Hi, I’m Jen.

And this is Love + Hope.

There was a time I was desperate for answers and what I received instead was a new relationship—to myself, to Spirit, and to the world.

The Journey Within can be intimidating, but you can trust the invitation and your own inner knowing.

I have befriended sacred unknowing, the journey within, and paths in the underworld.

If you find yourself in the dark, in uncertainty, or lost in wonder, let’s start a conversation together.

You are not alone. The darkness holds seeds and the light helps them bloom.

We are asked to put our ear to the ground of our days and the belly of our being to listen and learn from both.

Wonder & Wander With Me

I'm Jen Cobble Willhoite, a contemplative writer, illustrator, spiritual guide, and life-long soul seeker.

My path is formed by questions more than answers.

I cultivate a deeply loving relationship with my humanity, soul, Spirit, and the world by listening to what brings me alive and tears me up in everyday life. I do this through a ritual practice of inner listening and self-reflection that is both rational and intuitive.

I let the rhythms of nature and the universe teach me about my own rhythms, nature, and inner universe.

I honor every day life as a sacred pilgrimage unique to each of us and shared between us.

I see my humanity and the humanity of others as a prism rather than a prison of the soul.

And I share this with others through writing, illustration, spiritual tools, courses, and 1:1 work.

My spiritual roots include: Celtic Spirituality, science, nature, seasonal cycles, myth, folklore, Christian mysticism, and Ignatian Spirituality.

My tap root is grounded in ordinary life.

You can find me, my writing, and my existential cartoons featuring the Love + Hope characters in my newsletter and (sometimes) on Instagram @cobbleworks. Tune in to my podcast, Everything Speaks if You Listen, where we explore every day invitations into our souls. If you’re interested in learning how I work with groups, organizations, and individuals, please email me at jen@jencobbleworks.com